Say* what you need to say -
Hannah wrote - "Depression, like abuse, needs to be talked about more, weaknesses also need to be talked about more. I should share my weaknesses with people if they want me to, and not hold back." It is with this in mind that we chose to speak openly about what has happened - in the hope that it might help to bring down the barriers that many people face in seeking and offering help.
We would really like to hear from you, particularly if you have some happy memories of Hannah, or some tips for living well.
Please feel free to send us an email -
(public message for possible publication on tributes page)
(private message for members of Hannah's family only)
(general enquiries related to this site or subjects discussed)
(will be read by site administrator and not published)
Coming up - November 13 & 18, 2008. We have been invited by Dr Michael Carr-Gregg to attend and answer questions at a conference for Education Professionals - "Students at Risk" The conference is being organised by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). |
On September 15, 2008 the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) showed "An Australian Story" about Hannah. The complete 30 minute program is available for viewing over the internet via the AUSTRALIAN STORY website. Look for - "The Girl Least Likely".
Lutheran Media has prepared a series of 1 minute messages based on an interview we did with them in July 2008-
1. "What did I miss? ..."
2. "Talking about it actually helps ..."
3. "Unforgivable ...?"
A longer version was prepared for the program "Face to Face" and broadcast by regional radio stations accross Australia in two parts -
1. "Walking on Water - Dealing with Depression"
2. "Walking on Water - Surviving ..."
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On Tuesday, October 14, 2008 and the following day - Clayton Bjelan from "Your Morning" on LightFM interviewed Mark You can listen to the interview by going to the LightFM podcast part1 and part 2. |
On Monday, September 15, 2008 Ernie Sigley interviewed Ellen over the phone. You can listen to the interview by going to the 3AW podcast. |
On Wednesday, April 30, 2008 we were invited into the studios of 3AW for an an interview with Neil Mitchell and Dr. Michael Carr-Gregg. You can listen to the interview by going to the 3AW podcast. |
* "Say" is a song by John Mayer - "It's better to say too much, than never to say what you need to say ..."