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GROUNDWIRE is a online service staffed by volunteers, sponsored by LightFM 89.9Mhz.
CHECK YOURSELF - with a Depression Checklist - Self Test adapted from DSM IV - complete it and if you have concerns - take it to your doctor.
More depression checklists listed at Beyond Blue - K10, DSM IV, SPHERE.
MOOD GYM - Access an on line self help training program that explains and uses Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
FIND A DOCTOR - Search for a health practioner (Counsellor, Psychologist, General Practioner, Psychiatrist) in Victoria, Australia.
DR. MICHAEL CARR-GREGG - Australia's "Dr. Phil", specialising in adolescent psychology. Author of "Surviving Year 12 ..."
DR. GRANT MULLEN - for information about medical conditions that affect thinking and feeling, how to recognise symptoms, get help, and how to help.
KARINYA - To arrange an appointment for on going counselling and support
OSA - To arrange on site counselling at your workplace.
COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS - Support for anyone who has lost a child or sibling.
SYNDAL BAPTIST CHURCH - To find out more about the people and activities at Hannah's church
BRIO MAGAZINE - On line magazine for teenage girls (one of Hannah's favourite sites)
FUEL - To find out whats happening for young people aged 12 - 18 at Hannah's church (Syndal) or to make contact with the youth leaders.
REACHOUT - Information for supporting mental health - develop resilience, increase coping skills, and facilitate help-seeking behaviour
HEADSPACE - Australia's National Youth Mental Health Foundation
BEYONDBLUE - not for profit organisation working to increase awareness of depression anxiety and related disorders throughout Australia.
MIND MATTERS - Resources for promoting mental health in schools