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She is alive Hannah is beautiful. I say IS beautiful, because she IS alive. As Christians we believe that she is alive, but in a different place, still using her musical talents with the Lord. ... Hannah is one of God's saints ... precious ... there is no doubt in our minds that ... at the moment she fell, Jesus reached out His hand to bring her into paradise with Him. ... Hannah was approachable, quick to smile and willing to talk to anyone ... always keen to join in with any game or activity. We remember Hannah enthusiastically performing skits with her family at the annual Gallina family camps. ...She was always patient, kind and generous in her interactions with all of us. Gallina Family Christmases will never be quite the same without Hannah. Just this last Christmas Hannah dazzled the crowd with her piano playing. ... On a personal note, during 2007 my wife Jessie and I chose Hannah as a God Parent in Baptism for our daughter Azari, we chose Hannah to support Azari because of the faith we saw demonstrated in Hannah's life ... Hannah was a cousin, but also a friend. ... a beautiful young woman, with a smile and warm nature that will be sadly missed. ... On Wednesday, January 30, our college community was saddened by the tragic death of Hannah Modra, a year 12 student. Hannah was an outstanding student who had the most wonderful ability to engage, connect and support fellow students and staff. Her commitment to lead and support was evidenced by her recent election to Prefect role for 2008 and Hannah's College Community involvement in Sport, particularly athletics, and five college productions. Hannah had a strong sense of fun, enjoyment and humour with life, while at the same time would encourage others to participate and get the most out of the moment. While our college community is sad at this time we must remember the wonderful person Hannah was and the influence she had on our community.
Outstanding Student
Precious Girl
Clothes must let you jump and run
Short Messages
Letters & Cards
ABC-TV"She is ALIVE" - Anne Marie
"Always patient kind and generous" - Ben
"A friend to everyone" - Friends from School
Hannah Marie Modra was, and continues to be an exceptional human being. As beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside ... your sense of humour shone though in the most boring maths classes and on the rainiest of days. Anyone who knew you well knew that you could be relied upon to bring back the sunshine. ... As much as you were loved for your personality, you are loved equally by your teachers. Hannah, you were the quintessential high school student! Insightful, intelligent, artistic, musical, athletic and talkative ... you are the most gorgeous and loveable student ever to grace
"Outstanding Student" -
We have so much learned from you ... to be selfless, to help others feel that they belong, to make good use of our talents, to make our own fun, to take risks and make the most of our talents ... to be the first to step forward to help others, take time to study the bible, to be yourself, ... and to wear clothes that you can run and jump in.
Hannah was a great communicator and teacher of children ... in the Christmas pageant she performed the role of the Christmas star, in front of about 1000 children in various schools in the district, and about 1200 people here at Syndal ... in real life she was a bright shining star .. delivered this line in her own inimitable way so brilliantly: "I could not stop shining, there were these wise men following me ... they knew from looking at me that a new king had been born" Her life truly did reflect the love of Jesus ... something of Hannah will live on in every child touched by the radiant beauty of her heart ... all the big and little people will miss our Hannah ... the world won't seem so bright without her smile.
We loved every precious moment that we spent with you . You brought such light and joy and fun and quirkiness each time we met - I don't remember a time when you didn't make us smile ... unlike the rest of us you didn't mind getting muddy, or wet, or covered in whatever goo they would throw at you - and you were so strong and athletic! ... Hannah you are beautiful - we were all so jealous of your perfect smile ... we always talked about your beauty and how one day you would break some hearts but did you know for yourself just how beautiful you were? ... Hannah you were so creative - thank you for making us incredible homemade cards with stickers and scented textas,. You would write words of encouragement but also throw in random lines that would make us laugh. ... You knew how to make people feel special. Hannah you were so special to us. We loved being part of your spiritual journey - from seeing your understanding of God change from one of wanting to believe, to believing and trusting in Him with all areas of your life - from praying for the small things to praying for the big things. It was such an honour to baptise you - to hear you declare that you loved Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and that you wanted to serve Him. You served him well Hannah. We have been so proud of the way you led in Tribe, the way that you have volunteered to be in the youth band, in church plays and to help out in any way you could. ... We remember your faith, your love and your spunk and we thank God for the time that we were able to spend with you. Love you lots, precious girl.
We received hundreds of short messages from students at Mount Waverley Secondary College. One that stands out as a good example was a message written to Hannah - Dear Hannah, you were one of the first friends I made at Mount Waverley - I remember going home telling mum and dad about my new friend - I was so happy ... Hannah youre such a great inspiration with your attitude and happiness you brought to all. You always made me laugh. :)
Hundreds of Cards and Letters filled our letterbox for days and days. One young person wrote - "I am so sorry to hear the news. It was a big shock as Hannah was my tribe [sunday school] leader one year. She was so happy and kind , her smile so special and she was a great Christian. But her death was not in vain. I am 13 and was struggling with my walk and faith. Hannah's death has made me love God and get back on track, because I realise that she was a great girl whose light shone in the dark, and I want to be like that."
Dearest Hannah, I love you very much. I will never stop loving you. I have always been so proud of you. Everybody that knew you, loved you. I understand why you didn't tell anyone of your illness. The excrutiating pain I felt at your death is easing as we learn more about depression (thanks to you) and share your life with others. I miss you soooo much but I have many beautiful memories that some mothers never get to experience in their lifetime. Thankyou for being a lovely daughter, for the many helpful things you did, the wonderful notes, coming shopping, countless walks, playing games esp scrabble and yahtzee and all the conversations over the years. We always could totally trust and rely on you. I know you must be having a perfect life right now in heaven. I look forward to the day we will see each other again and I will honour you by sharing your story with others and living my life to the full with God leading the way. Love you always Mum
I will miss her so much and all the fun we had. But she is in heaven, a better place and will continue to inspire and encourage us all. ::love u lots hannah! AM xx
Love the site, brings back so much memories! Hannah, you were the best sister ever, I miss you so much! CM
Hannah my beloved cousin, i will always love you, your smile, your jokes, your personality and every littly bit about you. HG, you and i will always be the tripod, we miss you like crazy and youll never be forgotten. JG
I think it was a good idea to let others know what the depression is and how they can prevent it from coming. I wish I'd known Hannah before. MP
I thought this website was a really good website and it makes me happy and sad just to see her again but not in real life... gosh i miss u sooo much hannah!!!! AA
Hope this website will be able to continue her memory and offer some great support to others in similar situations. God bless! SE
Hannah was always writing cards for people. Hand written, colourful, and usually with some silly message to make us laugh. We thought it might be a nice idea to encourage people to do the same. After we received the following message from an anonymous friend, we came up with this definition -
HANNAHGRAM - A short message of hope, joy and encouragement - normally on a card decorated by the author.
For more information go to HannahGrams.blogspot.com
Springvale Botanical Cemetery
And now these three things remain:
faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love.
1 Cor 13:13
The ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission) will be broadcasting "An Australian Story" about Hannah on - ABC-TV -
The ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) will be broadcasting "An Australian Story" about Hannah on - ABC2 -
The ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission) will be broadcasting "An Australian Story" about Hannah on -